Sunday, July 11, 2010

Exploration #3 - Light

I chose to do the alternate exercise: Pay attention to light patterns, reflections, and projections. Consider that they are everywhere and document them. I thought this exercise was going to be a real challenge and I was a bit hesitant to get started. It was somewhat challenging but before I knew it I was in with both feet and finding myself looking at things differently.

Reflection of my little bath time buddie:)
Reflections: Window blinds reflecting into many small circles. I'm not sure how the light made the blinds appear that orange yellow color. They are ivory color blinds.

Lights from the ceiling fan creating shadows on the ceiling.

A photo taken through a glass table top. It shows the light from above .

Candles illuminating shadows on the wall.

Mottled light reflecting from surrounding sources.


  1. Oooooo!!!! I can't decide which I like best, as these are ALL impressively amazing! This exercise has unleashed a world of interesting and delightful for me to be fascinated by. Keep it coming :)

  2. Great job on the exploration! It's fun to have another soul participating...already excited for the next one. :)
