Saturday, July 17, 2010

Exploration # 5 The First Thing You See.

A collection based on the first found object you see on your walk. You decide the connection between the items.
Ho hum... another collection thing. I'm not really feeling the collection activity again so soon but I guess I shall make the most of it.
The first item I found was a short rusty nail and a few short steps from there a long roofing nail. What to do with this collection. My mind started racing in many different directions with a lot of ideas. My week had taken an unwelcome turn so I decided to play up on it. See if you can piece the connection together.

And the winner is...

things that cause pain or discomfort.


  1. Definitely the best collection so far! Creative and interesting and says a lot about your week. I hope the next one is better! (((hugs)))

  2. Oh my! I agree with Laura about this being the best collection so far ... and I'm sorry about the type of week you've had. :( Please don't hesitate to call me if you need to talk! ♥
